.. 그래도 계속 지켜볼 겁니다~ ♪♬

S☆G 등장인물 (영어로)

Thanks to lime @soompi for suggesting this idea and providing the original images, while I’m sinking deeper and deeper into the drama… Will be sending this to o-cha for the SG thread after finishing all 8 images, but in the meantime, will put up what i have, as the spoilers in the descriptions are too good to resist sharing..

unmentioned requirement for ideal wife > 36-24-34      ☆(~.^)/

source : SG official site – character descriptions


It took me quite a while to figure that I had been translating the older, outdated character descriptions… *shakes head*

I should have noticed the descriptions were outdated when they mentioned ‘K’ Group instead of ‘LOEL’ Group.

Oh btw, ‘LOEL’ when pronounced in Konglish sounds like ‘Royal’. Ju Won is not only rich, but aristocratically rich, fantasy-inducing rich. ^^; And LOEL is probably used because the drama’s filmed at LOTTE department store. (Why… am I even thinking about the store name…)

Differences between older and current descriptions

– Ra Im’s dad was originally a taekwondo school owner; now a firefighter..

– Jong Su was originally Ra Im’s dad’s taekwondo student who then returned from the states to take care of the school and Ra Im; now Jong Su is someone she saw while he was doing a stunt and she was a supporting actress among the many odd jobs she was doing. That fateful day, his stunt made her decide to be a full-time stuntwoman.

– Oska originally had serious vocal cords disorder that caused him to live life aimlessly for a few months before meeting Ssun. Also, originally after he met Ssun, he began his new life as a producer. In the new version, Oska is perfectly healthy and there was no mention of Oska as producer, just emphasis that Ssun will continue to annoy Oska with his disrespect.

– I think Yoon Seul’s character changed the most from the previous version. Originally she supposedly dated Oska to experiment the meaning of falling in love, but later finds out the meaning of love from Ju Won. However Ju Won rejects her and reduces her to tears, in her one-sided love. However, in the revised version, she wants to marry Ju Won to hurt Oska (which means there may be a touching resolution to Oska and her ^^;).

– Jong Su, Ssun and Ah Yeong’s characters remained unchanged

– The Loel family members had minor changes to their characters, regarding their marital status. Juwon’s dad died, Oska’s parents were divorced, their grandfather Chairman Moon had married Madam Park, him being the first love of her life. Like many other dramas, middle-aged members of rich families are usually single women – divorced, widowed, or still single, so this drama covers all 3 types ^^;

– In both old and new versions, Ju Won’s sister Hee Won is still going to have an exciting (one-sided?) romance coming up, looking forward to it ~ o(.. )o

한 여자가 그대를 사랑합니다 ~ There's a woman who's loving you ~

~Baek Ji Young’s ‘That Woman’, Secret Garden OST

More Jong Su captures at 리달사순님‘s blog

4 responses

  1. Khin Nwe Aye

    Thanks for the additional info about the characters in Secret Garden. I’m now waiting for more snippets about RI and JL. There is so few infor about RI, and I’m particularly curious why she acts so stiffly and formally with her boss. She even refuses to accept a ride home after her arm has been stitched. Any past history between them? Or she doesn’t want to encourage the one-sided love?

    2010/11/28 at 6:54 pm

  2. No poster for Gil Ra Im’s father? tskkk.

    2011/01/10 at 4:17 pm

  3. tintin

    oh?there is a previous version of secret garden..i dont know that thing..please tell me some details regarding that..thanks.

    2012/02/25 at 6:09 pm

    • shyangz

      I guess they simply changed the descriptions halfway, since the drama script was being written and revised throughout the actual filming and airing of the episodes~

      2012/02/26 at 11:51 am

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