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Posts tagged “Kim Gab Soo

SBS Miracle Audition

edit: This post was started in May 31 and is extended with my ongoing discoveries from the program…

… which I have no idea why I’m still watching  almost every week, despite always convincing myself that each episode will be my last.

As you will see throughout the post, it’s a rough journey, for the viewer, for the judges, for the show producers, for the contestants. My hopes are kept afloat by the promise of seeing guest appearances of actors / writers / directors giving unrestrained comments to the contestants. Miracle Audition isn’t about miracles, dreams are burst all the time, by harsh realities or hopefully bad nightmares. It’s a variety show which I extend a lot of sympathy for, because it always reminds the viewer, that time and time again, great shows / stars are produced 99% from a lot of hard work + a very precious 1% of talent… and lots of luck and good timing on the side.

Don’t say I haven’t warned you! ^^;
